A groundbreaking Global Alliance to combat hunger and poverty, spearheaded by Brazilian President Luiz Lula da Silva, was officially launched during the G20 summit in Rio de Janeiro. This transformative initiative aims to implement practical solutions to address these global challenges between 2025 and 2030.
Tinubu Applauds the Initiative
President Bola Ahmed Tinubu praised the Alliance as a pivotal step in addressing some of the world’s most pressing issues. Speaking at the summit’s opening session, Tinubu said:
“This bold and visionary step underscores Brazil’s leadership in addressing one of the most urgent and persistent challenges facing our world today.”
Tinubu emphasized Nigeria’s commitment to aligning with the Alliance’s goals, leveraging international collaboration to eradicate hunger and poverty while advancing sustainable development.
Goals of the Alliance
The Alliance, supported by over 80 countries, federal agencies, and civil society organizations, focuses on:
- Developing Public Policies: Proven effective in reducing hunger and poverty.
- Encouraging Collaboration: Between governments, international organizations, and civil society.
- Funding & Knowledge Sharing: Harnessing resources to implement innovative solutions.
According to Da Silva, the Alliance will operate autonomously from the G20 presidencies, with headquarters in Brasília under the Brazilian Cooperation Agency and in Rome at the UN’s Food and Agricultural Organisation (FAO).
Nigeria’s Role in the Alliance
President Tinubu reiterated Nigeria’s commitment to adopting best practices and innovative solutions through international partnerships. He said:
“By collaborating with international partners, Nigeria aims to leverage best practices, innovative solutions, and financial support to enhance its efforts to combat poverty and hunger.”
This endorsement positions Nigeria as a key player in the global effort to promote sustainable development and improve living standards worldwide.
A Unified Approach to Global Challenges
The Alliance signifies a unified global effort to address structural causes of hunger and poverty while fostering collaboration across sectors. With its ambitious goals and inclusive framework, the initiative sets a new standard for tackling these critical issues on a global scale.
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