In an anonymous report by 9am news nigeria lady reports this has been going on for 4 good months now. In March this year I got tired of my husband’s gf and I wrote a letter and sent it to her office.
I detailed a lot there, everything she does, how she uses company car and company resources to come and sleep with my husband and lie she is going to see a client.
in a chat with 9am news correspondence she said “After she was fired, my husband asked me and I denied it. He didnt have much details because they didn’t mention me to her”
My husband checked my laptop and saw the draft of the letter. He was so angly he almost slopped me. Since March my husband has not eaten my food, he has not slept on the bed, he excuses himself when I enter the room
He said until I apologize to him this will go on. At first I said no but Honestly I am not someone who likes malice, 4 months is alot, it’s affecting our children too. Our children are young but they are noticing. And I miss s x. I am a Christian I can’t chest. I want to apologize to my husband for the sake of harmony and move on. I know he still sees his girlfriend, I know he won’t rest until he gets her a good job.
Am I doing the right thing?
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